Strategic compensation is an approach to paying teachers that thoughtfully aligns compensation with district goals for recruiting, developing, and retaining high-quality teachers.
The value of strategic compensation is that it can be designed to best support multiple district priorities while still honoring the culture and experiences of any school district. A plan can take many different forms to accommodate differences across districts in culture, readiness for change, and financial condition.
As part of the Texas Education Agency's Strategic Compensation and Fellowship Grant, Region 15 is ready to offer support to your district and help find strategies to address recruitment, support teacher development,and improve retention of our most effective educators.
Matching District Goals and Compensation Design Components
Pay Plan Design Options
Improving recruitment of effective teachers
Higher starting salaries, signing bonuses, or options for quickly earning significant pay increases early in a career
Supporting educator development
Extra pay for acquiring specific knowledge and skills supporting district priorities
Incentivizing and rewarding quality instruction
Bonuses or pay increases based on performance measures such as evaluation or observation ratings, student performance measures, or National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification
Recruiting and retaining teachers in hard-to-staff positions and high-need schools
Recruitment or retention bonuses specifically targeted toward these positions or schools
Supporting teacher leadership and career development
Additional pay, recognition, and opportunities to develop leadership skills
Improving retention
Retention bonuses or career ladders whereby teachers’ roles grow and evolve while remaining in the classroom
Teacher Vacancy Task Force - Overview and Report - Click Here for Report
The Teacher Vacancy Task Force ( TVTF) was established in March 2022 to examine teacher retention and recruitment challenges across Texas. The TVTF met from March 2022 to February 2023 with the primary objectives of understanding challenges school systems are facing related to teacher vacancies and developing recommendations for regulatory or other policy changes for the Texas Education Agency, the Texas legislature, and local school systems.