Recognizing signs of stress in your child
Signs of stress and mental health challenges are not the same for every child or teen, but there are
some common symptoms.
Infants, toddlers and young children...
may show backward progress in skills and developmental milestones. They may also have increased
problems with:
fussiness and irritability, startling and crying more easily, and more difficult to console.
falling asleep and waking up more during the night.
feeding issues such as frantic nippling, more reflux, constipation or loose stools, or new complaints of
stomach pain.
separation anxiety, seeming more clingy, withdrawn, or hesitant to explore.
hitting, frustration, biting, and more frequent or intense tantrums.
bedwetting after they're potty trained.
urgently expressed needs while seemingly unable to feel satisfied.
conflict and aggression or themes like illness or death during play.
Mental Health During COVID-19: Signs Your Child May Need More Support